Jerks. I believe the GOO's ultimate goal is to decriminalize rape, then they eliminate that reason for abortion. This wink and nod seems to bolster this view.
Sorry, not buying it. People gathering to start a presentation often have pleasant or humorous interactions unrelated to the subject matter. It can be awkward. No matter how much we might dislike a particular person or policy, though, there’s no need to make crap up.
When you show no empathy, don't presume to expect any. The "find out" part.
PLS VOTE FOR SUSAN CRAWFORD for WI SC on (or before) April 1.
Polls: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Voters must show acceptable photo ID.
Early voting until 3/28.
Deadline to request absentee ballot: Thurs, 3/ 27.