Two minor buffs. WWBN and Annihilus gain a point.
Well they gave me something. Annihilus is good as my "Secret Invasion" deck proved. Is it because people don't expect it and this will ruin that? Maybe. I'll find out though
WWBN could use a point. Tough card bc you CAN'T make it +3 even at 3/0.
Well they gave me something. Annihilus is good as my "Secret Invasion" deck proved. Is it because people don't expect it and this will ruin that? Maybe. I'll find out though
WWBN could use a point. Tough card bc you CAN'T make it +3 even at 3/0.
Sorry it's probably not going to make ESON decks. Needed a rebuild bc even in the past it wasn't the ability it was the 4/6 you wanted. She needs premium stats to play as-is.
Lizard 2/6 - purely a set-up for a Starbrand Sauron deck but also LONG overdue.
Yawn. When Evo ruled he was basically unplayable. They tried to make him ok, didn't work. Now he's actually good. Still not going to do it. They need to re-power that deck, simple as that.
But outside the archtype you might see him in small packages with like A-Bomb and Cyclops