“Bend the knee” if bro just left it at his first reply no one would give a shit. But he saw a grift opportunity and threw a huge public tantrum all because one person was like “hey how come in a game where babies come from storks can I not have a stork bring a baby to two men?”
Lets not forget that these are the same kinds that have threatened to kill you if you played hogwarts legacy.
Second. Youre just factually wrong. Soulash 2 had negative reviews since its very conception. Do your research please.
He kindly told people no, people exploded on him, he banned them, people reviewbombed him.
No one saying the events that day werent why he had negative reviews.
You guys can’t even keep your own story straight.
Independent Polish press even confirmed all the facts.
But you still pretend all of it is because one queer girl was too nice and only wanted to be included.
You are basically a victim blamer.