I'm 63 years old and I never imagined that one day all three branches of government would collude to seize power, for a 2-bit conman, with a slight grasp of the English language, and orange skin.
#ProudBlue #TrumpIsUnfitForOffice #Felon47 #FOTUS #TheTurdReich #Resist
#ProudBlue #TrumpIsUnfitForOffice #Felon47 #FOTUS #TheTurdReich #Resist
77 million of the dumbest citizens voted for thee dumbest.
At no age of my past would I have thought that to be real in America or fact.
I mean, how do 77 million become that dumb.
I think we, the voter base, have a pretty good idea of what we want. We just need our elected officials to figure it out and get on board.
Thanks for posting this. Somehow his Jan 2018 shithole comment was missing from the timeline. That's been fixed:
And they are pedos
Your oppression is their profession
Trump now can make law and be the law.
That’s a dictatorship.
We fought a revolution to prevent this.
Have you noticed that 30% of Americans are Nazis.
There is no more middle ground, choose your side.
#AuditNAZIElmo #DefundNAZIElmo #DeportNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW #DemLeadershipWTFRU
None of them care about any of those things. They cared about winning.
What kind of shithole country elects a traitor, rapist and convicted felon as president ?
#Resist !
💠 🤔 💠
What ever happened to the golden rule 💔
They fully support his illegal agenda.
And you don't need morals or ethics to run for the U.S. government. We were naive to think those were important.
I am ashamed to be American rn.
He has the military now. He is itching most, to use it against his own people. I sincerely hope the blue states find a way to hold back their funds and leverage that funding as a tool.
as we’ve known it is lost to us.
An opposition or a resistance has to form and strategize quickly.
I predict there will be no mid-terms. Meanwhile, Madam Pelosi is stock trading.
I wish the Dems would have stood up against this. It was against the law for him to run, much less assume the position of presidency. How does a cowardly bully have so much power against decent law abiding people?
But nope. We chose this.