Cool thanks man, I’m away at the moment but for sure I’ll message you when I get back to my PC. I was wondering as well, do you have any advice for starting out? I’ve been working on my skills a lot but I don’t really know what I’m doing in terms of getting work or marketing myself. Iftoo much dw :)
Oh, I've got SO much to say about starting out & art biz. But, you might get more out of googling my name + interviews, because I've been interviewed on that very subject like 10+ times now. I've even got an informal monthly podcast with where we discuss that stuff.
Oh right, that’s really helpful actually, sorry to seem so ignorant!
I forgot that artists other than James Gurney put video/ interview content online haha
I’m like a child that only looks at picture books 😅
Quite alright! We live in an age of information overload. Hope you find the answers you were looking for, but if you have specific questions after all that, feel free to ask them directly as well.
I forgot that artists other than James Gurney put video/ interview content online haha
I’m like a child that only looks at picture books 😅