Absolutely gutted to hear the Thames Water bailout is going ahead
Millions of "customers" forced to pay £250 extra for ever expanding debt pile
There has never been a better time for the government to step in and introduce PERMANENT PUBLIC OWNERSHIP
Millions of "customers" forced to pay £250 extra for ever expanding debt pile
There has never been a better time for the government to step in and introduce PERMANENT PUBLIC OWNERSHIP
Simple and effective.
I doubt our French cousins would hesitate for a second.
More taxpayers money to SE England, paid for by the rest of the UK which has mostly been left to rot, unless they can squeeze a bit more cash out of them...
Corporates win, SE England wins (sort of), everyone else loses.
It’s time to act rather than moan or petition.
They are robbing us blind and laughing at us while doing it!
It's a private company that has:
• consistently failed to deliver the service it's customers pay for whilst polluting heavily
• failed financially
And now the cost of that failure will be passed to customers!?
This sets a very dangerous precedent.
The shareholders should not be taking dividends &the Directors should be handing back bonuses. This is being paid for by stealing from pensioners &the disabled
Although I’m not sure it matters.