Sorry, it's a horrible take. Hunter was going to take a plea deal, and through political pressure, the prosecution ripped it up. The Republicans openly bragged in senate hearings about it. They are trying to throw the book at him, and have vowed to continue to try to be vindictive.
Even the plea deal was politically influenced judicial overreach. People just don’t go to jail for not paying their taxes if they pay it back with interest and fines long before prosecution. Those that are prosecuted have other reasons like fighting paying it back.
It’s a horrible take that there should be limitations to presidential pardons? Seems like your issue is with the proceedings of the trial and not with the Eagles take.
I misread your post the first time, no I would not mind if rules were set to limit pardons, although I don't mind the idea of them. I just don't like the idea that Biden's pardon was somehow beyond the pale, and Trump pardoned well over 200 people, and plans on all the January 6th individuals.
100% I do also empathize with the Bidens and understand why he made the pardon. There’s also been great pardons historically like Chelsea Manning. It just seems like pardoning gets abused far more. Ford pardoning Nixon, Trump for Stone, Trump for yeah that list is gonna be too long lol.
I have zero issue with the ability of Presidents to issue pardons. The Republicans have vowed to punish Hunter specifically above and beyond what punishment is typically levied for the crimes he committed. For the last 4 years they have not let it go that they plan to bury him in prison.
A sad but true video as ever. I’m conflicted in that it’s disappointing for Biden to issue this pardon, but my anger mainly stems from the selfishness of ONLY pardoning his son with no consideration for anyone else.
While I agree in principle, it is clear that this overreach is itself a response to overreach. And Republican lawmakers have now promised that they will keep the investigations going.
This was never about crimes, it was about attacking opponents.
I appreciate the video. I think a lot of people can agree that the pardon is bad, but there's a lot of room to disagree about how bad it is, and how much it should be condemned.
The part about how history will interpret this is definitely worth thinking about.
I’m sad too. If I were allowed to make edits to the Constitution, no President would be allowed to pardon relatives or business associates. Or themselves
No abuse of power. Hunter is also a citizen deserving protection from an incoming government that has made it very clear that they will do everything they can to hurt him just to hurt his father.
Mr Eagle, ur a good guy. But there’s been a class war going on for a long time now. And the wealthy exploit it again and again… like how if the punishment for a crime is a fine, it’s only a crime for the poor.
The people have the power to hold those accountable, but they’ve been duped.
This issue really had me conflicted. One of my favorite sayings was "Fighting fire with fire just burns your house down twice as fast," but I think you inadvertently summed up the point well when you said "You either believe in the institution and the department of justice and the rule of law and >
< and let it run its course, or you don't." And that's the problem.
We DON'T believe in the institutions and DOJ and the rule of law anymore. We've had decades of those letting us down over and over and over again. The rich and powerful get to ignore the law with no consequences, while the little >
< guys are the ones who are prosecuted and made the examples of.
The recent murder is a perfect example: if rich people were actually held accountable by the law the same way other people are, if the laws weren't so corrupted BY the rich? People wouldn't feel the need to dole out vigilante justice.
I think this is the biggest reason I don't like this video. No, the law isn't on "our side." It's on the side of the exceptionally rich or powerful. I don't fault Biden for pardoning his son, I fault the fact that he's able to
I do not like Biden, for a lot of reasons. This is not one of them.
Or rather, I like the video itself, as it explains a point of view I wish I could hold. However, I don't really like that point of view, given the actual circumstances.
I hadn't actually watched the video yet when making this comment, it was more a comment about the LegalEagle channel as a whole. But I do think for the most part the law is on our side. Certain laws are skewed against us and other are circumvented, but more feel like they protect us after watching.
I don't think you're stupid. It was meant to be a light-hearted joke. My original comment was meant to be helpful to you and others who might be looking for the link to the video. Sorry if you interpreted my attempt at help as a dig at you.
I wish pardons weren’t up to just one man in the end. However, you say the pardon of Hunter is indefensible and do actually end up explaining why it was done.
You definitely gave me a different perspective on the pardon. Honestly you're right that it's not ok that he did that. Obviously the right is way worse with who Trump wants to pardon inserrectionsts, but it doesn't excuse Biden
So you and all y'all wagging your fingers at "bad Biden" would have rather he left his son to the wolves to serve Democrats unending addiction to appearing respectable and "good" when the other side is behaving like a pack of vicious bloodthirsty animals?
No. I don't care that he pardoned Hunter. I care that he pardoned him for the charges that he was proven guilty for. I actually do want the Dems to fight more like the GOP, but I don't know if fighting fire with fire will work. I understand why he did it, but it doesn't mean I agree
At first I applauded the move, but now I see it.
If you can imagine being outraged if the "other side" did a thing then it's a clear sign that the thing is the wrong thing to do.
While I understand your anger and sadness, I feel like your video is just giving another opening to kick a man who most definitely feels the same sadness and anger. This man has been shit on despite doing so much good work and now he has to hand that over to a fascists. Just let him have this
Still, no person should be held above the law. That's really what this is about.
And It's important to fight back each and every time that someone is held above the law, especially when the motives for that action clearly just bottoms in personal interest
I don't agree. A fair and just court of today, still needs to follow the laws that have been set in place. But laws change, and so does our opinion on right or wrong on certain legislature. (1/2)
Also you have to remember the human side. Biden has lost his wife, one of his daughters and one of his sons and doesn't want to see his only surviving son spending the next decade in jail because some kangaroo court thinks it's a good idea to make an example of the President's son.
Joe Biden's legacy has plummeted in the past year. His primary job, in my opinion, was to bolster guardrails against extremists taking over the USA. He failed so miserably.
All of his good deeds are deep in the shadow of allowing trump a shot at a dictatorship.
Correct. EO's are not governing. My view is Biden could have and should have rallied the party and the population to carry out justice swiftly. He never mentioned it.
He could have applied pressure to Garland to not waste time. He did not do that.
You know what's crazy? Nigeria adopted the presidential system and constitution from the US but made sure to make conviction and sentencing a prerequisite to presidential pardon. So you have to be convicted and sentenced first before getting pardoned.
I appreciate that this is not the behavior we expect of the president. But it’s time to start living in reality. The prosecution of Hunter Biden was only ever politically motivated. Without a pardon, the GOP would continue their attacks on Hunter just to spite Joe. I approve of the pardon.
This isn't an Al Capone moment, Al Capone was a dangerous man who concealed his tracks well enough that the more serious things couldn't be proven to the required level.
With Hunter... drug addiction is as deep as it goes, it's a wading pool in comparison.
I would love to offer a "but", but I cannot, reasonably. You seem right here, although personally I understand that Joe Biden does not trust the institutions under Trump.
There are too many rules that apparently just rely on politicians and judges being gentlemen, which many are not.
This shows the importance of preventing our feelings from overly influencing our ethical principles. I think many of us understand the human sentiment behind this, and may even see ourselves make the same choice as him, but that does not make it an ethical action. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Gonna keep it real, I couldn't care less about the biden pardon considering half the people whining about it endorse trumps garbage pardons (such as Bannon, kushner, and stone)
I think it's a sign that Joe doesn't believe our institutions are strong enough to withhold a 2nd Trump term. Given who Trump has nominated to lead the FBI, I fear he will be correct.
Just curious. Where was your denunciatory video when Trump pardoned his son-in-law's father, Charles Kushner? Why do liberals feel the compulsive need to dramatically draw the public's attention to the misbehaviors of their own? It furthers the public's illusion that both sides are the same.
Why do liberals feel the compulsive need to support equality before the law? I'm not even a liberal but come on man, it's a core part of the worldview.
Love how the comments are just "Well, trump did it worse." As if you straight up didn't just say in the video that if we have to tally pardons then we all lose.
I understand the pressure to condemn it, but I'm tired of "we go high" never actually paying off. They don't have honor to appeal to. I want someone to fight for me without trying to attract people who couldn't care less.
When trying to secure appointments, or protect the marginalized, or guarantee fair voting, or curb partisan courts? Go low. Please.
But there's a difference between going low for personal gain & going low for political maneuvering. Democrats refuse to do the latter, but are happy to do the former.
Except this deviation from the high road is just to keep a single person out of prison. Of all the opportunities to use all the tools at his disposal, he used it for his son, not you. That’s the value we got for giving the alt right merit to question the legal system
they were going to anyway. you know it, I know it, Biden knew it. It think if ANYone else had won like even if they'd put up another republican in their primary and instead of Trump, he wouldn't have done the pardon. /1
Trump, who has been issuing orders to the legislative branch before taking office. Threatening our allies so much that Trudeau flew in unannounced. It's the same battle either way. It's not a race to the bottom, Trump is already primed to dive deeper than ever... with or without a "valid reason".
None of that excuses giving your son a get out of jail free card. I’ll concede Hunter was targeted for being the president’s son, but he committed those crimes, and the sentencing was within the law. Just because it’s not as bad as Trump doesn’t mean it’s okay
Basically this. If ONE THING goes badly or our side, we’re damned forever. If ANYTHING happens on theirs, especially repeatedly, it doesn’t always happen. Even when it does. And if it does, it isn’t that bad. Et cetera.
I agree that this is a sad state of affairs we Americans find ourselves in. If this were the only issue to hand I would be outraged, but the truth is of the matter is that our legal systems have been this way for a while, you even cite examples of such in your video. Thus I am simply sad.
I can only applaud Biden for finally taking the low road for the first time in his long, useless life. At the end of his infirm term as President. For his son. Leaving the rest of us to the dogs.
You seemed legit upset. But as usual, you misled people with your video. Bill Clinton's bro did serve his sentence, but so did Kushner, who was jail in part for donations made to Democrats. You complain about rightwing echo chambers, yet have every negative comment on your videos shadowbanned.
Really glad you put this video out there. It won’t be a popular take, but it’s the right one. The pardon is a deeply flawed power which creates more problems than it solves
I'm of two minds here. I feel like it was a "Fuck it, I'm done with decorum" move on Biden's part but also, Trump has openly said he's going to weaponize the gov't against his enemies. It's the only tool Joe has to protect Hunter. Now I wonder if Trump is going to try to rescind the pardon somehow
It's a bad take. This is going to be a blip by the way. You are going to need to be more economical with you disappointment or outrage the coming four years.
I agree with you that the pardon power shouldn't exist or perhaps only for limited crimes that you normally want to actively avoid pardons for like treason.
As always it's a very well thought out and well articulated video.
I don't disagree with your overall sentiment but I do understand why he did it
Had it been any other incoming president I would have a much much bigger problem with it than I do, but with Trump's very public calls for retribution..
If Trump doesn’t have to go to jail, neither does Hunter. Republicans love the “yeah, but if” excuse. I’m throwing it back at them. Trump should be in jail and he’s not. I could care less if he pardons his son. Trump will abuse this power far worse. This system isn’t fair. Hasn’t been for awhile.
lol yes I think he’s going to be perfectly ok, Tilde. Theres a LOT worse things happening in the world than Hunter Biden getting let off the hook for filling out a form wrong.
Thanks for the video. It is still surprising that good critique isn’t welcome because “the other side” is worse. You don’t make a better system without it. Not to mention I feel like quite a lot of comments were made before they watched the entirety of your video or the previous ones.
The issue is that liberals self-sabotage through their compulsive need to loudly and publicly condemn the behavior of their own politicians and draw as much public attention to it as possible. Four presidents have self-interestedly pardoned family members, so this isn't even a novel issue.
Agreed. Watched the video in Nebula and then decided to peak in on YouTube comments, only to find a majority of handwaving away the criticism due to "the other side" and comments clearly missing parts or all of the video about nuance.
When the incoming administration has PROMISED to weaponize the justice department against his perceived political enemies, there is nothing that should be left on the table, not even the cloth.
They want to fight dirty, so should should we. They want to punch, we must bring knives.
Asking genuinely, did you watch the video? Because this feels like a tribalistic response.
The nuance I mentioned is about the sadness of Biden having to pardon his son and no longer believing in the system he said he wouldn't challenge. No one is happy it needed to be done was the context.
I did, and the comment I left on the video was more or less to the same effect of what I said here. Of course just more detailed because YouTube doesn't have a character limit.
Then I remain confused on why the rebuttal and then call to arms aimed at my response.
But that said, I fully support fighting back against the incoming administration and highly recommend anyone who can donate to ACLU on behalf of those who will surely need their assistance in these next years.
I understand the why but I think it was poorly handled at best.
It was a no win situation, but it was my understanding that “no win situation” was most of the job description.
This was never about crimes, it was about attacking opponents.
The part about how history will interpret this is definitely worth thinking about.
The people have the power to hold those accountable, but they’ve been duped.
We DON'T believe in the institutions and DOJ and the rule of law anymore. We've had decades of those letting us down over and over and over again. The rich and powerful get to ignore the law with no consequences, while the little >
The recent murder is a perfect example: if rich people were actually held accountable by the law the same way other people are, if the laws weren't so corrupted BY the rich? People wouldn't feel the need to dole out vigilante justice.
I do not like Biden, for a lot of reasons. This is not one of them.
I was saying that he should post the link on his posts since there is not throttling on this site
I'm sure your mom thinks you are very funny
Smart too
If you can imagine being outraged if the "other side" did a thing then it's a clear sign that the thing is the wrong thing to do.
And It's important to fight back each and every time that someone is held above the law, especially when the motives for that action clearly just bottoms in personal interest
I get the human aspect - but it's not fair
If I were Biden I most likely would have done the same thing. But I still, as Biden most certainly does too, don't think rhis system is right.
Joe Biden's legacy has plummeted in the past year. His primary job, in my opinion, was to bolster guardrails against extremists taking over the USA. He failed so miserably.
All of his good deeds are deep in the shadow of allowing trump a shot at a dictatorship.
He could have applied pressure to Garland to not waste time. He did not do that.
Nothing is a crime if there is no prosecution.
With Hunter... drug addiction is as deep as it goes, it's a wading pool in comparison.
This was a garbage take. I quit right at the beginning, unfollowed on Nebula, unfollowed here.
Truly awful take.
There are too many rules that apparently just rely on politicians and judges being gentlemen, which many are not.
It’s peak material for your channel lol
But there's a difference between going low for personal gain & going low for political maneuvering. Democrats refuse to do the latter, but are happy to do the former.
Is it bad that he did it? Probably yes.
Is it nearly as bad as the rest? No.
Still love your work.
I don't disagree with your overall sentiment but I do understand why he did it
Had it been any other incoming president I would have a much much bigger problem with it than I do, but with Trump's very public calls for retribution..
They want to fight dirty, so should should we. They want to punch, we must bring knives.
The nuance I mentioned is about the sadness of Biden having to pardon his son and no longer believing in the system he said he wouldn't challenge. No one is happy it needed to be done was the context.
But that said, I fully support fighting back against the incoming administration and highly recommend anyone who can donate to ACLU on behalf of those who will surely need their assistance in these next years.