Ask yourself why turnout is so low. Tell this BCer why Queens Park shouldn't nigh-on double in size so the voters would see their voice might count more. Please.
yeah, the low-information voter thing is a problem out here, too. I used to live 60km east of where I am now, into the heartland of blob-with-a-pulse Conservative ridings. So little interest taken there except for some rah rah nonsense about lower taxes that runs counter to ordinary folks' needs
And all this ignores the fascists (Ontario Proud alum Jeff Ballingall) at the centre of Conservative power structures pushing out 14 word, 88-letter tweets, trying to tack to the right of the PPC? "Angels and ministers of grace preserve us" etc. etc.
Yeah, but Ontarians didn't vote they way did because of 14-word, 88-letters and all that. I know it's big inside wink-and-nudge to the racists and fascists, but they're not moving millions of votes.
At least not yet.
Anyway, without viable opposition parties, they don't even need to.
Idiots? Our FPTP system is broken, I’ve voted in every Federal, Provincial and Municipal Elxn since the late 80s I’m a pragmatic voter not partisan voter. A Proportional Representation system would engage the other 50% that think their votes don’t matter.
Ugh - 20% making decisions for 80%. This is not logical!!
This is why we need proportional representation for our elections. We would never get another conservative government in power if we changed to proportional representation. If the Libs get in - Let's pressure this to change.
Enraged that the majority of ontario voters just couldn't be bothered. And even more enraged at the dimwits who voted for them. They are like those in the states more concerned with their 401s. Ya can't eat your money people!
That’s why the corporate media always obsesses over polls and ignores policy: to spread hopelessness and have progressives comply in advance by giving up. Mission accomplished in Ontario.
I'm not going to argue that low voter turnout is good, but the election results continue to mirror the polling.
I am not convinced that even if 100% of the electorate voted, that the results would be any different.
41% of 44% is no different than 41% of 100%.
I know MANY of them.
Making more of THOSE people turn out on election day will only increase Conservative vote totals.
I've seen zero evidence for that. None.
What we need are better leaders and parties on the left. It's that simple. The ONDP & OLP were pathetic.
At least not yet.
Anyway, without viable opposition parties, they don't even need to.
This is why we need proportional representation for our elections. We would never get another conservative government in power if we changed to proportional representation. If the Libs get in - Let's pressure this to change.