see, i think that would be a more fitting thing to say about the people who lost, not a vague contingent of voters. Democrats lose my state every cycle by more than the number of people who knew what a “Gaza” is. I warned em to take Michigan seriously and not take PA for granted, I wanted her to win
I kept saying they needed to orient the campaign on the Midwesterner-nip Walz message, not on working w/the Old Right. if she had taken a couple more states, she’d have won the EC while losing the popular vote, preventing the Trump presidency AND finally unifying political will to end the absurd EC.
and they actually *did* pivot back to the Walz message at a point, thankfully, I mean it was still a component at rally speeches for sure— but the “undecided voter” doesn’t actually SEE that, unless there’s a gaffe. But they never made it the headline-level detail after those first couple Walz weeks