I’ve had several students (presumably for an assignment - not *my* students) reach out with questions about gamedev + my career the last couple weeks. But their questions were clearly AI generated.
Students, please do not do this. Profs, do not encourage this.
Students, please do not do this. Profs, do not encourage this.
Really curious actually what kinds of qualities in the questions say "AI" - like is it just they clearly don't know who you are or?
If I see all that, I run it through an AI detector.
I told my students that the reason I'm their professor is because I know the material. Even if AI was reliable, they still wouldn't need it.
I’m teaching you to think critically about story and write interactively; don’t undercut your own learning by cheating!!
- Students are responsible for citation. Using somone's work without citing is plagiarism.
- GenAI output is, by definition, stolen work that can't be cited, i.e., plagiarism.
- So even if I did approve of genAI (I don't), the rules against plagiarism clearly forbid it.
As a child of an educator (technically of 2) I get so heated about this 😂
Learning is cool!!!
Hatesssss it
Of course I will first talk to them if I catch it. They panic and take the second chance like the lifeline it is.
They might be up to wasting their time and money. I, however, am not.
I didn’t do it
It's like, I don't need to plagiarize or kill the planet to give the students a shitty piece of writing to pick apart. 🤣