At this point I'd rather they just come out and say it directly so we can all have clear motive to leave the platform, instead of these transparent exclusionary tactics. These stupid fucking games, I swear...
I mean, it does sound just like the reign of Dragoneer in his final years. I got edge banned years before he shuffled off this mortal coil to the grossly mismanaged furry web site in the sky.
I dunno if it’s even all ABDL. The bans seem to be targeting folks mixing SFW underage content/suggestive situations in the same profile as explicit NSFW content, which has *always* been problematic from a moderation standpoint, long before FA.
Absent an official statement though, it’s speculation.
However, let's be honest:
There will not be an official statement. It will all be conjecture, because why give us any reasons as to what's going on?
The rule was extremely vague and putting the onus on the viewer for a reason.
I dunno, the rule (2.7) seemed pretty clear cut to me, and the grey area was always just that. The last time this sort of ban wave happened it did eventually result in further clarification and unbanning of folks, so by all means keep making noise. Just don’t ascribe malice without proof.
The main issue is that the rule puts the onus of "fetishization" on the viewer, not the artist. And because humans will human, anything can be fetishized.
Today, they consider AR a "fetish", unlike yesterday.
Tomorrow, it could be the pacifier.
Or the padding.
Or being fed.
That's because you're in the fandom and well informed about styles like chibi & shortstacks.
The problem is that outsiders aren't informed like we are, and it's entirely plausible that said outsiders are demanding sterner moderation. _We don't know_, and so we should refrain from ascribing motive.
Are these people allowed at furry cons? It feels like if this is how they feel about it, then perhaps they might also wanna just stay home and not go out to an event where they will encounter other people who are different than them.
I don't particularly enjoy babyfur stuff and such, but like. I doubt all of them like my yays either.
We all keep saying to "keep furry weird", but gods forbid you're the "wrong kind" of weird.
Like, we're all weird and like our different weird things. Babyfurs and ABDL doesn't hurt anyone, so???
Oh, I meant like. On FA. A lot of active accounts are getting banned if they've uploaded any age regression scenes, which they're now citing as against the rules
Absent an official statement though, it’s speculation.
There will not be an official statement. It will all be conjecture, because why give us any reasons as to what's going on?
The rule was extremely vague and putting the onus on the viewer for a reason.
We are seeing it right now.
Today, they consider AR a "fetish", unlike yesterday.
Tomorrow, it could be the pacifier.
Or the padding.
Or being fed.
Who knows.
But the mods consider it as such, and therefore he got a suspension/ban.
That's hardly indicative of a "clear cut" rule, at least to me.
The problem is that outsiders aren't informed like we are, and it's entirely plausible that said outsiders are demanding sterner moderation. _We don't know_, and so we should refrain from ascribing motive.
"express yourself... but not LIKE THAT!!!"
[Insert that picture here]
We all keep saying to "keep furry weird", but gods forbid you're the "wrong kind" of weird.
Like, we're all weird and like our different weird things. Babyfurs and ABDL doesn't hurt anyone, so???