do u really love the character? does it feel the most fun to play? then be silly and jump in and out of ur cove like a maniac. there’s this one harbor main that comes to mind, i’m sure you’ll find him if you look for clips. if the answer to those questions is no, play literally any other agent LOL
Harbor literally does what i wish my teammates could do when im playing other characters. So instead of wanting my teammates to do it im just changing my playstyle to help secure plants and entries.
I have a BLAST with him. I throw up the moving wall and chall everyone.
then keep having fun! riot said he’s getting changed soon, so hopefully they make it so his wall doesn’t slow ur team. it’s troll that they haven’t already made that change IMO. harbor can definitely get a lot of value when u know good walls and are good at maneuvering his util
Harbor literally does what i wish my teammates could do when im playing other characters. So instead of wanting my teammates to do it im just changing my playstyle to help secure plants and entries.
I have a BLAST with him. I throw up the moving wall and chall everyone.