First off, it's undisputed that Halls and Ricola taste better than the off-brand store variety. Look on the back of the package, and you get more ingredients per lasange.
The name brands are like candy - it's like I'm eating a Lifesaver candy AND I have temporary relief from my cough. But that taste is much more expensive. Off-brand drops try to do the candy thing, but rarely succeed.
Still, from a sheer cost perspective, I'm paying $3 for 25 throat soothing drops from Halls. By contrast, it's $5.75 for 200 cough drops. It's $0.12 per unit for the name brand, and roughly $0.03 per unit for the off brand.
I don't know about you, but when I'm sick, cough drops are like my sick man's dip tobacco. Stick it in the cheek and let it go. No spitoon needed. Which is to say, I'm greatful for off-brand cough drops right now. The perfect mix of effective and affordable.