Optimist: the cup is half full
Pessimist: the cup is half empty
Privacy Tech: There's no purpose for knowing what's in the cup. Stop asking!
Pessimist: the cup is half empty
Privacy Tech: There's no purpose for knowing what's in the cup. Stop asking!
Reposted from
Optimist: the cup is half full
Pessimist: the cup is half empty
Children's Librarian: Okay everyone, we are not pouring our cups over each other's heads! That is not how we treat friends!
Pessimist: the cup is half empty
Children's Librarian: Okay everyone, we are not pouring our cups over each other's heads! That is not how we treat friends!
Pessimist: The cup is half empty
Occupational Therapist: What type of grasp are you using to hold the cup handle? Is a ceramic cup too heavy? Is a swallowing assessment warranted? How’s sequencing sipping, breathing and swallowing going?