The state of the union is that Trump fired cancer researchers and forest service rangers.
He's letting Elon Musk smash the Social Security Administration into pieces.
And he is pushing Congress to pass more tax giveaways for billionaires while destroying Medicaid.
He's letting Elon Musk smash the Social Security Administration into pieces.
And he is pushing Congress to pass more tax giveaways for billionaires while destroying Medicaid.
“The state of the union is that the Trump/Musk regime is destroying everything that actually made America great to further enrich the billionaire class and paying off his debts to Putin by dismantling our democracy.”
What are you doing to prevent it?
Do it for the federal employees whose jobs have become living nightmares.
Work with your colleagues in the House to draft impeachment articles. They need to call for impeachment daily. Daily.
Why didnt any of you stand up?
How about he is alienating our allies and aligning the U.S. with Putin's Russia?
Don't talk down to us. Get with the program.
We need an audit/investigation into the 2024 election. (Election Truth Alliance) has been analyzing the data and found multiple extreme instances of "anomalies": evidence Republicans rigged the election in favor of Trump. #VerifyTheVote
If you’re not working on impeachment you’re not following your oath of office to defend our country. Stop whining.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP