When recently asked by a reporter when Canadians can expect him to get his clearance, he replied that there are people around him who can tell him what he needs to know. It makes zero sense to not want it, therefore I believe he’s hiding something.
Today on National Tv he call National Security Clearance a Liberal thing... NO PIERRE FUCK YOU IT'S NOT A LIBERAL THING IT'S A GOD DAM CANADIAN THING. He sold his Party to Modi and India to"Win" the Leadership they murdered a Canadian on Canadian soil what do you think he'll do if he wins Canada.
Even if he did, I would never vote for a maple magat. PP can wrap himself in our flag all he wants, we know who he is and we have long memories.
#TeamCarney 🇨🇦
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦💪🇨🇦
#TeamCarney 🇨🇦
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦💪🇨🇦