I think one of the reasons I’m especially frustrated by the Meta announcement is some of the changes are good… but it’s wrapped in such partisan shit that it taints the whole package
I think Meta was getting a lot of moderation decisions wrong… but throwing out the whole ass system ain’t it 😕
I think Meta was getting a lot of moderation decisions wrong… but throwing out the whole ass system ain’t it 😕
Like they took one step forward and a few hundred steps back
i know it wasn’t perceived that way by staff / leadership (prob by bias, how loud i am or viz)
I think everyone jumped to “this is so dumb it has to be a model problem” but no…
i know w/ social media features, the users can def make feature mistakes go viral 😇 which challenges trust & forces rushed ad-hoc fixes, broad comms 👀, & instilling the trust again - is degenerates we didn’t make it easy
*us degenerates
funny how a rando user will post how much adam hates them / parasocial beef… but for me, i def felt it true so - degenerate away
a lot can depend on timeline, budget, implementation or business bias 👀
during crackergate i suggested some ideas
ai + human monitoring at first,
then ween off
• lack of understanding of parameters / context
• fatigue to emotional & mental health due to type of content
• jaded or lazy (no work ethic)
• staffing issues due to nature of the job or contingent workforce