The Bleed mechanic is just like the Riftwolves effect but not only does it drain your HP but also serves as a debuff by lowering your resistance to interruption, movement & atk speed, and your elemental and physical resistance.
You really need a healer against Cecilia since Bleed stacks up.
You really need a healer against Cecilia since Bleed stacks up.
To spot the real Cecilia in the mind scape, Lukas will aid you in battle to identify her by surrounding her with glowing purple butterflies. All taunts have butterflies, you really need to find the glowing purple ones.
Worry not, she's actually nerfed after the Archon Quest for this area. Your main objective is to survive rather than defeat her in the AQ.
Now onto the made-up permanent event. It's an event that's set in the Labyrinth underneath the manor! The twist for this Labyrinth is that it shifts!!