random pokemon move idea
Ghost type - Status
-1 spDef to the opponent and +1 spAtk to the user. If used on a sleeping pokemon, it instead wakes them up and is -2 / +2
Ghost type - Status
-1 spDef to the opponent and +1 spAtk to the user. If used on a sleeping pokemon, it instead wakes them up and is -2 / +2
Terrible fright
Ghost status
Target wakes from sleeping and flies into the air like the first turn of fly. On its next turn, it descends harmlessly but misses its action.
Raises user's spA by 1
Fails on awake target
Shadow ball
Wake up and use flamethrower
Instead you give up shadow ball to bounce them and take a small boost
Then you get one true free hit as they descend
If they weren't waking that turn, you've netted nothing but spA
Could still be a touch too good technically but not double crazy
Turn 1 - Hypnosis, opponent fails to move
Turn 2 - Force them awake, the enemy does flamethrower, then flies into the sky, you get a boost
Turn 3 - Opponent lands, not being able to do anything, and you hit them with a shadow ball
is that correct?
that feels REALLY cumbersome and messy
Was illustrating that you only cheat yourself one attack because you frighten them instead of taking a shot
Considering you have to put them to sleep and it loses to switch like dream eater it could probably be +2 tbh
Becoming essentially a nasty plot that denies 1 turn of retaliation...