It’s that time of year - people asking us about #bumblebees - WHY THEY’RE SEEING THEM ON THE GROUND - so here’s a thread to explain what they’re up to.
Please #repost.
Every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year!
This is important!
Please #repost.
Every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year!
This is important!
I use a throughly rinsed out soya sauce bottle from sushi
Quick version:
Bumblebee Queens just out of hibernation.
Hungry and house-hunting.
Rest often between flights.
Don’t move or help for an hour unless in immediate danger!
Flowers best option.
50/50 white sugar/water next best option - NOT HONEY!
Don’t bring her inside.
So if you see a big #bumblebee chilling on the ground don’t always presume she needs rescuing! 5/9
If no flowers are nearby she can be offered a 50/50 mix of white sugar and water.
NEVER offer her honey as although it would seem to be the obvious action honey can contain pathogens that may…