What is he doing at an AfD rally in Germany? And what is this "we" shit about? He's not even german. Has no ties to Germany, apart from being a Nazi. God, I despise him so.
There’s a vast divide between what Elon Musk thinks, and what most of the world thinks about Nazis and fascism. Nazis should never be forgiven. And any still alive should be hunted down.
Actually when I reflect on it, Elon really cares about the German people and their culture the least. He just wants to fuck up the country and try to be... what, the king of the world? It's ridiculous. He'd throw the Germans under the bus without a second thought.
Should I feel guilty for my ancestors genocide of the natives here? Maybe, but I should definitely acknowledge it and condemn anyone that seems to want to ignore how it happened. A lack of empathy, viewing others as less than us, and justifying it using religion or nationalism is how it happened.
there was a previous employee of x that released some notes on how x fucked with the american election and how there was every intention of spreading it to the rest of western elections. idk if the whistleblower is to be trusted. but i would believe it if someone confirmed.
Mhm. Because if he manages to have enough influence to change German school curriculum, some of the world's loudest screamers against fascism will no longer exist.
Yeah, I think that's worth looking into.
My kids look like mini mes, but that little Steve X looks too much like him.
I'm all for state-funded Nazi management services, but the cost should be low.