Trump doesn't happen without MAGA Cult, and MAGA Cult doesn't happen without the GOP/FOX News misinformation bubble...
We need our media to focus on the only news that matters, the root cause.
Facts don't matter.
Truth doesn't matter.
Wrong doesn't matter.
So many people have been irreversibly damaged by Trump Derangement Syndrome. They have lost touch with reality. They have completely lost their ability to view the world objectively.
there's gross...and then there's "gross" alina habba continues to survive in 🍊's orbit after losing him hundreds of millions in lawsuits is beyond seriously...i don't care what else alina is doing...losing that amount of ungodly money...ANYONE in their right mind would jettison them
The question is whether drinking raw milk will become the next devotion test among the faithful…especially once H5N1 avian flu virus makes the jump to humans from dairy cows…stocking and consuming raw milk will be the ultimate show of love for the man and the movement…
We just lost our country, our democracy and our freedom to a dictator. No one wants to admit it but it’s true. I can’t believe he conned millions into voting for him after he literally led an attack on our country
It’s definitely shocking and terrible but not all hope is lost. Will it be a fight til the end, yes. But the house majority is do slim that it will not pass a bill if they lose just one republican. The hardline conservatives are great but not as bad as maga and maybe one will want to make history.
I meant to say the hardline conservatives are not great- darn autocorrect. What I want to believe is that they may care more about the country than we think 🤞and politics is about gaining power when the opportunity arises. People are gonna be calling reps non stop about everything. Some may listen
I'm hopeful, but won't be holding my breath.
I think a second Trump administration signifies a fundamental change in America's trajectory.
The question in my mind, is whether the electorate will learn from what comes of it.
I realize the chances are greater that elect and the republicans blame it all on Biden, but, if it’s as bad as I think it will be than maybe a couple republicans, coupled with the democrats decide to be Americans again.
I think she looked better with dark hair. Something weird happens to womens hair when they fall into Trump's stupor... it suddenly becomes blonde, like overnight.
I believe there are a lot of parts in the Bible about following a false prophet, giving authority to the beast, and not idolizing people. But I guess the republican Bible says otherwise?
The Trump Dynasty might be continued by Ivanka or Don Jr though.
Also, 47 what? Brain cells? 😂
We need our media to focus on the only news that matters, the root cause.
Facts don't matter.
Truth doesn't matter.
Wrong doesn't matter.
I think a second Trump administration signifies a fundamental change in America's trajectory.
The question in my mind, is whether the electorate will learn from what comes of it.