If you don't want to be called a RINO today, you must reject any sense of civility in politics. You’re expected to see Obama as the enemy and believe that the late John McCain—an American hero—was somehow “worse than Obama.”
MAGA must be defeated.
MAGA must be defeated.
It's time to stop comparing MAGA to social norms and recognize that the OLD GOP is gone.
Not a goddamned thing.
But we can't do that by testing the electorate for sexism with a woman candidate, or by going far left.
This train has been coming since the 1st administration.
Anyone who does not yield will be dismembered. Play or pay.
Soon to be followed by the "Liz Cheney is the devil" check...
MAGA isnt conservatism; it’s cosplay patriotism for peasants. It’s bad for business, bad for America, and honestly bad for my blood pressure!