Maybe, If this were the case, i would think they would have done it. im worried more about trump cutting fed income tax for 150k and below. That will be very popular and people will be blinded by that and wont care what he does. (That is my sociology background talking)
I mean I wouldnt have thought he would do 90% of the stuff he is doing. I sit here as a diabetic T1 mad as hell R or D wont do anything for my meds. (so I go to canada to get them for 1/20th the price) He def said it in his campaign. and I DEF think it is coming based on what they said.
Grabbed this the other day from a Mark Cuban post. I dialed in a med of mine and it was 2/3 less. Hope it helps you. Curious how it stacks with Canada.
Thank you though, I already did look at that. All I saw was generics. my three drugs arent generic. Jardiance 25mg is the worst one. Tresiba and Humalog. No Generics yet. Luckily Im 50 miles from Canada. Where it is $110 not $1900 pharmacy checker dot com is the gateway for that.
IF he kills Fed income tax stuff is going to get REALLY weird. Im not sure it will be a good idea but it will push him up into the 70% approval rating (my guess).. you watch. I still cant find the motivation for "WHY?" they are doing all this. I cant accept "They are stupid" as the answer.
The WHY! Still working that out. But i think a big part of it can be found in this podcast. Need to relisten. VR lays out the philosophy of it, and i think it permeates the R braintrust/string pullers.
I am glad to come on here and first I see is a devils advocate position instead of a million posts telling him to go away. Why did he do what he did? That is what I want to hear personally not incessant blathering the same talking point. Tell me the "Why" he did it.
Merrick Garland, the stay at home closet Democratic misogynistic white racists, anti-vaxxers, Jill Stein waste my vote voters, the "but her emails" crowd, Mitch McConnell and the GOP, and now Chuck Schumer and the ten own this shit show. Hope you're all happy. It's time to pick a side.
Putin, Musk and the oligarks are saying …
“Make them poor..
Let us get their houses, Cars, ships, land and business for a dollar when they are Down .. we have the stupid Donald to make the Road clear “
He always “wins” at his golf courses. It is a known fact that he constantly cheats and that he will be announced the winner before the first hole is played.
What is the basis for his “probably my last” tournament comment? Others say dementia, poor health, cheating etc., but why is he saying it? Seeking sympathy for something? He rarely admits to any mental or physical flaws.
I have been secretly wishing an EF5 sticks around for at least 5 minutes at the Mar-a-lago, then followed by a Cat5 hurricane. I'm just tired of hearing about this place because this orange turd.
Watching him swing a golf club is entertaining. Despite his claims to the contrary, his form is pathetic. And, if he won any type of golf contest, it was rigged.
Just when l thought the felon couldn’t be more of a narcissistic asshole, he does one better! Not even a word from what’s her name, his 6xB press secretary, to the families that lost loved ones or property! 🖕🏽you loser!
Don’t worry, slim chance for tax cut for the <150k and even so, PLENTY of pain all around to offset it.
Grabbed this the other day from a Mark Cuban post. I dialed in a med of mine and it was 2/3 less. Hope it helps you. Curious how it stacks with Canada.
I mean, "if only we _still_ had".
2025 ….
Putin, Musk and the oligarks are saying …
“Make them poor..
Let us get their houses, Cars, ships, land and business for a dollar when they are Down .. we have the stupid Donald to make the Road clear “
Keep on top of it:
There will be no federal help
They just cant compete with the Trump media dominance 😡