murkowski working hard to take over the republican 'never put your money where your mouth is' lead from coathanger sue collins, aka murkowski is all hat no cattle, just another bloviator blah, blah, blahing while supporting with her votes everything trump & the shit GOP do.
A rebuke is just words. Action is required. It is called leadership. Become an independent. Lead others in a mainstream antiMAGA GOP caucus. Or switch parties. Action, not mere words.
I wouldn’t give her too much credit. Yet. Talk is cheap. She needs to take action. Her own state legislative leaders have begged her restore the checks and balances Congress has under Article I. Let’s see if she puts her money where her mouth is this week.
No, she didn’t. This is lying headline by a right wing propagandist. She had a stern statement saying “the administration” should support our ally, Ukraine. She couldn’t bring herself to name Trump or say anything remotely hard and forceful. She’s Susan Collins 2.0, her good buddy.
THEN START VOTING AGAINST HIM, is what people need to say to her as she goes by, and I commend her for having a spine, now she needs to put it to use in her votes!
As with Collins in Maine, it’s what they do rather than what they say. Has she voted against one single thing tRump has demanded? Don’t believe her.
Hate to disagree, she had so many uh, uh, uh, a, a-she was choosing her words not to offend him-barely able to finish a sentence. Lisa has not been able to stand up against Russian aggression. Nor has she had the stomach to stand up to #FOTUS Hard pass on Murkowski
If she means it, she'll vote with Democrats. If she doesn't, she won't. Watch her actions and don't get caught up in the platitudes which are only offered for political protection.
Exactly. And after the damage she has participated in over the years, she needs to prove that she means it by submitting articles of impeachment of both the felon and his sidekick - and get other repubs on board. Otherwise, she's spouting BS.
Didn't putin say he wanted Alaska back? Hmmm? Maybe work on some of the GOP and figure out the problem you all created? Vlad speaks and means what he says all too often. Which nation is Alaska in anyway, does palin know? Hey, this sounds serious, but greed works in obvious ways. Got a plan ? it’s time for Congress to do something. No more “I think he’s learned his lesson.” All of his actions have shown he’s only working on his own behalf. Not for our country.
Republican grandstanding.
Not enough.
The rest of the party is bought and paid for.
Rat f-cking traitors.
High treason on an unprecedented scale.
They both would vote to take your grandmother off her ventilator if that's how they were to told to vote.