Americans Glad ISIS Defeated Or Something
ISIS and Al-Qaeda are American made. They created them and then dismantled them
And carrying sings
Mostly say hooray for our side
But I can sympathize with the people being happy they are liberating prisons nick named "Assad's slaughterhouse" filled with women and children...
TL:DR I like Onions
TL:DR I like parody news.
I highly doubt what’s left of Christian’s there are excited about them freedom fighters
Yeah or something, somewhere.
Also, keeping the global price of oil (for both transportation AND heating) from being too high (or too low, if you're American or Canadian).
Note: This is not an endorsement, just the reasoning.
Dat opinion is a shit opinion based in prejudice, not fact. The fact is. We can and should equitable share this land.
Humanity will be fine. We might definitely for sure be screwed.
Hell, I don't even deny the existence of the Christian god. I just truly believe that that is one amongst many.
They're not trying to convert me, nor tell me I'll burn in hell, or even that
They want to live a world where their personal choices in faith and how they wish to adhere to it is respected.
This land isn't Christian.
It's a land where your religion does not dictate your place in life.
100% boys in the pic! ALL Abrahamic religions are mysogynist af.
It's always the women and babies who cry when boys with flags climb hills.