Expand medicaid/medicare, lower medicine cost, but those where rejected at your last election, and some already reversed by Trump. And apparently most US citizens don't know how it works. Yesterday i saw a comment on YT, why should i pay taxes for your cancer treatment? Disgusting.
Besides seniors in nursing homes, do you know who else relies on Medicaid? FOSTER KIDS. All kids in foster care & many who have previously been in foster care. Foster-adoptive parent here: my child has required 12 inpatient hospitalizations due to his early trauma plus ongoing in-home therapy.
I can't say this loud enough, WE KNOW.
Outside of talking about it, what are you and our elected officials doing to hold those accountable?
I think you all want this. Talk is cheap and it seems to be you all's only resource.
Local Office #: (802) 652-2450
DC Office #: (202) 225-4115
Office Website: https://balint.house.gov
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here: https://reps.fyi