In 2023, the median total compensation for CEOs in the S&P 500 rose to $16.3 million, representing a 12.6% increase, while the CEO-to-worker pay ratio reached 268-to-1.
Is that just wage theft? I think if you include the welfare and ssi that should have been wages, tax evasion and cartel price fixing it's easily in the trillions.
I love everything you humans are doing! And sorry for my video message it looked so bad but it was because instagram was fucking up & i was frantic to get it out before i couldn’t.
Corporate bosses now have the freedom to steel even more from workers - American and those here on work visas - not to mention the subsidies and other tax breaks the filthy rich get of our tax dollars. Now they're robbing OUR SSA & MEDICARE TRUST FUNDS!
Eat the fuckin rich
Not Grand Theft Auto.
Not home invasion.
Not robbery.
Not embezzling - had you going, though, eh?
Nope. In fact, the #1 category of theft by value is more than all of those combined.
It's wage theft.
They steal more from us than we can steal from them.
Funny how that option doesn't exist for people stealing food to feed their children.