Dr Oz, the guy who killed/harm several people by pushing fad diets and snake oil cures? Whats he gonna substitute it with? Green coffee and acai berries??
Oprah lifted Oz and Dr Phil into the public eye, promoting them and showcasing them. Oprah, her network that projected them, used her influence to push them both to the top. I guess I have a problem with anyone who tells us who we should listen to, what we should watch. My opinion
Well, that’s probably enough to get yeses out of #Fettermanchin and #CuckSchumer. I’m sure that while being deeply concerned, Susan Collins will still vote for him. I hate all of these useless seat warmers.
Of course he did. Link this to his answer about not needing RNs in Nursing Homes. Because when Medicaid is cut, millions of residents will lose their ability to pay, they will be evicted, nursing homes will close, and we've come full circle. No Medicaid = No nursing homes = No nursing staff.
Dr. Oz Shouldn’t Be a Senator—or a Doctor
His misinformation has already tarnished medicine. Republicans have a blueprint, Project 2025, which seeks to make MA the default enrollment option for Medicare. Dr. Oz, who supports an aggressive plan: Medicare Advantage for All. https://pnhp.org/news/seniors...
Ok dr oz even being considered for a position in medicine is asinine. He is a quack. Why hasn’t the medical board revoked his license? These professional state oversight boards are useless.
Doing harm to American people who need healthcare and can't afford it? Hold him responsible for damage to the American people and for preventable deaths.
I thought this was the Onion at first. I hate everything so much rn. More than I thought was possible. The level of stupid bullshit being done on a massive scale is so fucking stupid it’s so much bullshit.
Lord save me from these people
It was shit like that which resulted in me just taking breaks in my car at the time.
From the good folks over at @meidastouch.com 2 years ago:
I got a new knee last year cost me $0
My husband just had a Prostatectomy cost $0
You're poor? Just die
You're trans? Just die
This message is brought to you by the GOP
His misinformation has already tarnished medicine. Republicans have a blueprint, Project 2025, which seeks to make MA the default enrollment option for Medicare. Dr. Oz, who supports an aggressive plan: Medicare Advantage for All.
1. Don't get sick.
2. If you're sick, die quickly.
Remember kids! kill nazis!😘🍹🍹
I'm going to keep asking this
Instead, he decided to become famous selling quack cures.
He needs to go.
Also Oz: I'd like to redo my last answer.