Excellent pornbot block list here. Got rid of loads - mostly replaced by creepy 'god fearing man' types. The porn ladies are definitely more honest about what they're up to.
Pornbots here?!? I thought I was just popular with the ladies. 😅... I have also had heaps of offers for investment advice, and also making lots of friends in Nigeria via DMs.....
I'd like a good word with the creep who's generating all these.
Instead if blocking them, build a list - under the “moderation lists” in settings menu.
Add them to that list. This way you can build your own blocking list and keep adding to it. Advertise your list to others, so they can benefit too.
Shagadelic, baby!
Brilliant...I like it....and thank you to whoever thought of the name!
For each list, click on 'Subscribe' and then 'Block'