“Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of her nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. She had won the victory over herself. She
loved Clippy.”
For decades I managed to avoid them until Teams came along, then we made the mistake of giving 365 and OneDrive ago. For the entire length of one project we weren't able to access the contractor's OneDrive properly. Microsoft simply never worked out what the problem was.
Reminds me of the parable of the three engineers who couldn't start a car. The mechanical engineer said "it's the starter. ".. The electrical engineer said, "No, it's the charging system." The software engineer said, let's try closing and opening the windows.
I'm rather indifferent though I do miss cartoony user interfaces in Windows. I'm also confused why apparently every program needs my location now - maybe I should be thankful they're asking, but also... does Adobe *really* need to know where I'm located to load a PDF file?
If a car manufacturer forced you to buy a new car or it became unsafe to use because they stopped supporting their own software, there'd be a global outcry, and legislation would quickly follow. Yet, that's exactly what Microsoft is doing on October 14th 2025, with Windows 10.
All because IBM was greedy and shortsighted, and Gary Kildall was hesitant tap dancing with the dinosaurs, and Gates/Ballmer grabbed an opportunity by stealing QDOS OS code from a company that had lifted it from Gary Kildall.
Also too few are aware of how Microsoft shafted many other vendors in the lead-up to Win 3.0 (something else IBM really stuffed up). I’ve spoken directly with some of the guilty parties (who still saw themselves as sinned against, not sinning).
My boss (elsewhere) was an IBM bigwig who was at least halfway responsible for the OS/2 farce (and was fired because others at least partly guilty shoveled their part of the blame onto him too).
Try Linux. I'm running a dual boot - Mint(Cinnamon) and Win 11.
On the odd occasion that I go back to Windows I remember what a really crap OS it is. Always trying to sell me something that no one wants and that doesn't work anyway.
Linux plus, for example, Vivaldi and no need for anti virus.
I love Microsoft 😁
“Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of her nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. She had won the victory over herself. She
loved Clippy.”
George Orwell, 1984
Helped that his Mom was on the board of a charity with a clueless IBM bigwig.
Can only imagine how much better off the desktop computer revolution would have been with DR co-authoring OS/2.
But sheesh: overpromoted to blazes, and kept failing upwards. Well-connected, wealthy background, ‘right’ schools 🙄
Incredibly Bloated Management.
Gates learned the concept of "owning the socket", becoming the default, from IBM, but kept MS somewhat lean, at least in the early years.
On the odd occasion that I go back to Windows I remember what a really crap OS it is. Always trying to sell me something that no one wants and that doesn't work anyway.
Linux plus, for example, Vivaldi and no need for anti virus.
No antivirus is a myth and I would recommend ClamAV. 25+ years Linux user.