🚨 Dutton's position on Aboriginal Flags was a DISTRACTION designed as a DIVERSION from his LACK of economic policies, not to be confused with his position on Rainbow flags, which was a DISTRACTION from the FACT the LNP failed to nominate 150 candidates for NSW council elections
He knows right-wing authoritarian misogynistic climate denying policies are deeply unpopular so he can't actually tell everyone what he wants to do or he would never be elected. He's hiding.
Have we seen one genuine policy yet from this current LNP mish mash? I cannot, for the life of me, understand how anyone can think of voting for them. For some very strange reason, many people still think the grass is always greener on the other side.
The nadir was still the 2019 Federal Election which literally boiled down to ScoMo saying “Vote for Labor and you’ll get Shorten, vote LNP and you’ll get me”. Like that was it, no policy, no platform. Just vote for me and you’ll get me.
Abbott, Scummo and Spud are the bastard spawn of John Howard. Propped up by Murdoch, his propaganda far outweighing any redeeming qualities they possessed, they should be confined to the scrapheap of history. Dogwhistling Neanderthals the lot of them.
Havent you seen aussie media (robot voice)" Dutton is a good bloke and definitely didnt do insider trading" i mean i put my trust in a guy who denied healthcare to children or gave half a bill to a tin shed.. im estastic when he openly lies about Melbourne or wont testify about the Ruby Princess
Yes, Abbott knew how to oppose unfortunately he didn’t know how to lead. He couldn’t switch over and continued to oppose when in government and was out as leader in under two years. Dutton will be a ditto Abbott.
1- blame immigrants for housing
2- stop implementing proven solar, wind & battery technology
3- blame immigrants for traffic congestion
4- protect billionaire financier
5- blame immigrants for crime
6- get Fox/Sky to talk nonsense about unproven nuclear
7- deport immigrants.
You all better nip that shit in the bud as our country is being destroyed
What chance Rupert dies and James takes over before the election?
Abbott had Credlin to supply some intelligence.
Hopefully Australians have woken up this time around.
‘Cause if you do not trust/respect/like him then neither do I.
Just say the word, Jgirl.
Dutton is:
1. a fool
2. a tool
3. not cool
4. a ghoul
5. all of the above
Just say you have ‘concepts of a plan’. Then tell them you’ll have it ready in 2 weeks.
He is the least qualified person in Australia to be leading this Country, yet we have a thousand enablers screaming his praise.
Main stream media in this Country is the problem.
Make elections fair by limiting the money that one candidate can spend to be elected.
Let the candidate attempt to win on their personal record, not on the size of a bank book.