Lord Frost negotiated a joke deal and is now complaining about Labour getting closer to the EU - after what Frost did he should just keep quiet - his deal has more holes than a sieve and has given us bureaucracy/red tape by the bucket load - #Brexit needs dumping and fast!
Lord Frost negotiated a joke deal and is now complaining about Labour getting closer to the EU - after what Frost did he should just keep quiet - his deal has more holes than a sieve and has given us bureaucracy/red tape by the bucket load - #Brexit needs dumping and fast!
A bombastic little bigot .
The arrogance 😡
"It's July 1940 and as German panzers roll west through Dagenham & Canterbury the government seeks to once again remind Herr Hitler of the deal he struck with Neville Chamberlain in Munich, which was the will of the British people.
Where does it start? Education, press reform, SM regulation, companies paying fair wages/salaries & not using Govt to top up income