Now, here they were, ten years later. Married and spending their days in domestic bliss with the occasional worried anxiety caused when one of them lands in the hospital due to their hero work.
Even injured, Izuku would not hold himself back from making love to Kacchan.
Even injured, Izuku would not hold himself back from making love to Kacchan.
He didn’t care if his leg was in a brace or his ribs bandaged tightly, Izuku would keep his vow of always showing his love and appreciation for his Kacchan.
“I love you…” he whispers against Kacchan’s ear, who hums. “In this lifetime and the next…”
Izuku whispers the same words when they wake hours later.
When he carries Kacchan to their bathroom and bathes them both in the tub. When Kacchan melts against his chest as Izuku washes his hair. When he wraps his arms around Kacchan as they cook breakfast.
Over and over.
He doesn’t stop saying it even when slides into Kacchan, his endless “I love yous” mixing with Kacchan moans.
“I love you in this life and the next…”
And when Kacchan teases; “And what about after?”
Izuku doesn’t hesitate, tightening his hold; “I love you in every lifetime, Kacchan. I’m never letting you go.”
“Every lifetime,” Izuku says as he slides in once more, eyes softening. “I love you always.”