Brilliantly put Sir Stephen Fry, yes clearly privation has only led to fiscal insolvency and dividends for shareholders. Agree the government needs to step in, posthaste. Recommend taking a look-see/listen to the video. Guy
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We Own It
Sir Stephen Fry calls on Keir Starmer to bring ‘effectively bankrupt’ Thames Water into public ownership. 💧
So that ‘it works for all of us, people and planet.’ 🌎
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#SirStephenFry #ThamesWater #PublicOwnership
Sir Stephen Fry calls on Keir Starmer to bring ‘effectively bankrupt’ Thames Water into public ownership. 💧
So that ‘it works for all of us, people and planet.’ 🌎
Agree? Sign our petition. Link in comments 👇🏽
#SirStephenFry #ThamesWater #PublicOwnership