One would think, people who claim to be Christian and followers of the tenants of Jesus of Nazareth would be the first ones fighting to give children food, good education, good healthcare, and make sure they are cared for in all ways possible.
It's more than the CACFP programs, there's also the backpack program where kids can take food home, and SFSP (Summer Food Service Program), not to forget SNAP which they're also killing. No one at any food distribution venue wants to tell someone in need there's no more food.
Given their kids will never go hungry (thinking the excessively wealthy) and depriving people of good education helps keep them in their place. I'd hazard they're doing exactly what they intend.
They don't want most children getting a good education.
Canada has higher taxes for a reason: because Canadians value social services such as school breakfast and lunch programs, a national daycare program, national dental care program, universal health care, etc. Trump and his sheep refer to Canada’s taxes as a bad thing. We value compassion.
Our freedoms of speech, of thought and expression, have been fought for and preserved at great cost over centuries. We can't let these clowns rip them away...
They don’t care.
It’s Leon’s tax breaks—along with other massively rich people’s—that I find offensive.
Most (almost all) of them would be well replaced with
"thou shall not let a child go hungry"
Kids: stick both YKW (you know where) 💪.
They don't want most children getting a good education.
Their minds and bodies learn better and are healthier with food and no religion in school.
Good luck coolaide
They don't take care of kids and prayers to a book of fables! Maybe, stop abusing kids!