Can I tell you something that no one likes to talk about?
Some of the BEST people at getting love...are the worst people. Well, those who are the most natural, anyway.
An essay. (1/7)
Some of the BEST people at getting love...are the worst people. Well, those who are the most natural, anyway.
An essay. (1/7)
Sure, they hate to lose, but that's different, innit?
That turns good people with the best intentions for their others - into AWFUL PARTNERS.
And so they give more and get less. Put in more effort for less love.
They were able to verbalize untruths while controlling their nonverbal behavior, including facial expression, vocal pitch and mannerisms, posture, and eye contact."
Some good people try that path out, and often either hate themselves or become bad people.
That's one option.
I prefer another—saying "Fuck the rules," choosing my own path, being radically me, flaws and all, and finding the people who want that more than...lies.