Here in California farmers are already having to move crops that were normal here in central California northward. Maybe that's another reason Rump wants to take over Canada.
Let the lawsuits commence. And since Chevron deference has been removed, a federal judge can determine whether the regulatory rollback is reasonable under the APA.
Read any book by CARL HIASSEN about FLORIDA govt destroys clean air n water n wetlands n EVERGLADES( largest freshwater reservoir in North America) because FL repubs ELIMINATED regulations. 80 yrs and destruction continues.
This is pure evil—gutting protections for the planet and people to line the pockets of polluters. The cost of this recklessness will be borne by everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
So, not only do they want to rip away services from many of our most vulnerable citizens, and prevent our children from receiving the best education available, they now want to just destroy the planet earth with emissions and global warming. WE DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS.
Didn’t he just say that he has the moral responsibility to be a good steward of the environment ? When are people going to really call
these people what they are ? Bold face liars !!
There's plenty of blame to place on "save my pet issue or save nothing" idiots on the left. Everyone knew this would happen, and it can't be overstated how bad this is.
Trump - Who cares about education. I am an extremely stupid unpatriotic MORON and people voted for me. I stole from Veteran small business owners and people voted for me. I tried to overthrow the government and people voted for me.
Since tailpipe emissions aren't bad according to him, could someone be so kind as to introduce Zeldin to a locked, airtight garage with a pre-1970s car stuck idling?
We need the international courts to step in and say enough. Because our voices are being silenced, we get threats of violence, and our "checks and balances" are non-existent.
Almost daily, Trump destroys what is good about America. Every day, Americans are suffering more due to what Trump does to America. He is on full swing of his vengeance.
Still difficult to understand why the voters chose him for the US Presidency. They were so dumb voting on Nov 5, 2024.
They chose him because if they listen to any news at all it is Fox or OANN. That, and they think he will increase their wealth. His Walmart voters are in for a rude awakening.
It’s not that difficult to understand. In the US, it’s all about white supremacy. Just enough BIPOC uphold the system instead of seeing it as poor vs rich.
So much for all the rules and regulations place in the decades past. What a efn joke! Waste of time and energy if you are not gonna stand up for your convictions Dems 🙁
Just become barren deserts?
Make him explain the nonsense.
these people what they are ? Bold face liars !!
Make this make sense !!
More like driving a dagger into the heart of the Earth. Those idiot magat clowns don’t care about the future. They are mostly dead already.
EPA Press Release
And by “nice things,” I mean earth.
Are we GREAT yet?
If you can't travel, help from home. Make phone calls from any U.S. state to the registered Democats in FL. Election is April 1.
He should be fine, according to his logic.
The CO2 finding for instance.
The over regulation of home appliances, etc;
If Congress wants to address these issues, then pass a law.
Still difficult to understand why the voters chose him for the US Presidency. They were so dumb voting on Nov 5, 2024.
The history books will not look kindly on this period of time.
That is, if they’re legal by then.
Trump and his fascist cabal act like they're out to kill off humanity and the earth. I just hope wildlife survives and can recover after we're gone.