I love programming computers more than anything I've ever done in my life...
Yet I can't make myself do that anymore.
Nothing is stopping me, except some invisible walls in my mind.
My dev computer is just asleep all the time...waiting to compile.
I'm hunting for a reset button on my joys.
Yet I can't make myself do that anymore.
Nothing is stopping me, except some invisible walls in my mind.
My dev computer is just asleep all the time...waiting to compile.
I'm hunting for a reset button on my joys.
Additionally - drink enough water, 2.5l daily! Yes, it IS very important for your metabolism to function properly.
Rise and Shine 🌞
Deckbuilding roguelike currently in development 😊
Getting old means fitting in leisure time isn’t easy anymore
The hardest part is starting.
I love painting. I went to school for it. Yet when I go in the basement I stare at the empty, pupil-free eyes of half-painted Pepe for a moment, turn away, and begin emptying the dryer.
Anything to get you feeling needed and purposeful. Start a blog. Start a podcast. Take to the streets & yell. Go to city hall, file a lawsuit, scream on bsky,organize an oppo group, start a NGO… DO IT!
I still have to go in for an overnight study to get the central diagnosed...
so im taking a break and trying out volunteering for something good
Most things I read are heavenly related to that disease. It’s not necessarily so, but I recognise a lot.
How do I spend my free time, I hear you asking.
Mostly tired and not in the mood for any of those things. Life of an ADHDer.
Don’t stress, it comes and goes as you certainly know.
Take time, reflect, and find a problem you’d like to solve. Something that matters to you. Programming might not even be the tool you need to solve it, but you’ll feel better finding purpose.
I have just asked for a new appointment at my doctor's for ADHD meds.
Take care.
Personally, when I was dealing with burnout (which this sounds like), dealing with past trauma, taking a break from self-medicating (alcohol, nicotine and such, take your meds but do talk to a doc if possible) and having a break really helped.
Take a break; keep a journal to jot down the most random ideas. When you're ready to get on that saddle then tackle the silliest one first, one go no worry about slop.
Fun grows in a garden of boredom.
Also in winter it could be vitamin D deficiency. Vegetariants tend to get a B12 deficiency.
This can really get me into flow-state when I don’t have any motivation
Discipline. I believe in you ! Believe in yourself and make me proud.
For a spell, pursue other puzzles; other challenges. The joy will return, let your subconscious cook for a while
And good luck Engineer!
I felt the same, but going from C# to F# reinspired me.
If that doesn't do it, then maybe there's an equivalent. Something very close to what you previously engineered, but slightly different.
If it's web, come look at data-star.dev. We're having a blast.
In the end I went complete cold-turkey and walked away from development.
Spend as much time outdoors & with family & friends as possible. I found walking to be a complete salvation as it allowed me to reconnect with myself & the important things in life.
No, really.
See, although you're not doing any work, you're still *trying* or you wouldn't be thinking about it.
Your tank's empty. Quit driving. Let it refill.
Just be aware it can take a bit to figure out how to disengage.
Mood uppers
ADHD counters
Self medicated
14 hours of sleep
Always waiting for some day in the future to decide to be better.
Never happens.
Always an excuse.
My life is fantastic.
Tears of gratitude.
Appreciate everyone in my life.
Need something.
Every action feels like I'm moving a mountain.
I want to live and thrive.
I want to greet the sun and smile.
14 hrs of sleep though.
The days pass and I left no mark.
I'll be fine.
I want to make it through this.
The days are fast and have potential
I know I'm not alone though.
I'll be fine, thankfully.
I'll figure it out, some day.
I hope you all are kicking ass.
Kick an extra ass or two for me until I figure it out, please.
I'll join when I can, some day.
2. Get professional help!
This is no weakness. It is something severe you‘ll have to cure.
I completely understand that cement feeling though.
Also, is it cloudy/dark all the time where you are? Could be some seasonal depression.
Not every code has to be purposeful.
What if you coded some kind of scavenger hunt or something? Like an anime pose version of pokemon go 😂👍🏿
I don't have answers that can help, but I can be here to give you a reason to keep going at least
After a week see if you can find a problem to solve with programming.
If it’s not that, come up with the least serious most inconsequential project to build. Drop your self expectations as far as possible. The goofier the better.
go fishing
End if
Try something entirely different with all your energy and focus. Then at a time of its choosing your mojo will return!
Burnout is real but your skillset is too. Just bend it in the direction you think you want to follow, if it doesn't work out, bend and change course again.