being miserable wouldn't actually achieve anything. I'm also pretty sure the GOP wants to pick a fight on this issue because polling shows their position is much more popular, so not playing their game is actually a very brave move!
Rosa Parks wasn't an elected official, I'm fine with private individuals doing this type of stuff, but the ramifications are very different when an elected official does it.
I do have values! but values don't matter if you lose. a mediocre dem government will always be better than a fascistic republican one, and at the moment a democratic party which is unapologetically liberal on all issues doesn't look like it can win
You lost because of the genocide, not trans people. To be clear you don't have a poll showing high voter salience on this issue. You just don't like trans people but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
The inters and staffers don't, her bathroom is in another building, and she called trans rights a distraction. Fuck her she is a spinless loser that doesn't give a damn about trans people just like the average Dem.
But she’s not wrong. This specific issue being brought forth by Mace *is* a distraction. That’s why they are doing it. We get up in arms about it, MAGAs fuel the fire, and no one pays attention to fights about the atrocious cabinet choices. Who want to do far worse than bathroom privileges.
Well, I don’t think you are a freak. I’m terrified for the trans people in my life. I’m saying THIS bathroom issue is to distract us from what they actually want to do to trans people. They want us to watch one hand so we ignore what the other is doing.
She could be expelled from Congress if she did that. She knows she has a greater opportunity to affect future legislation if she actually remains in Congress
Im sure she is super excited about working with the GOP to pass another tax break for small businesses. Shes rich and well-connected none of the legislation she lets the GOP pass will impact her.
Congress isn’t just legislation. There’s committees and stuff like that she could be on, and if the democrats take back the house in 2026 and beyond she wants to be there for it
Welp lets see by 2022 the dems were already adopting the GOPs framing on immigration, so Im guessing by 2026 the Dems will be running on a more respectable transphobia than the GOP.
I hope she is miserable every single day she is in congress.
I get that you don't have values you have opinion polls, that makes you a piece of shit.