yeah I wouldn't phrase it like that but I like to think I have a consistent worldview lol. I don't opposed concerted messaging on an issue, I just think that most of the time acts of public protest don't effectively sway public opinion
You've never been to a protest, which makes sense because you would have to feel strongly about something to want to protest around it and as we've established you don't have opinions you have polls.
yeah I don't attend protests because I don't really believe in them. I do have opinions, very strong ones actually, I just don't think there's any point fighting for a losing battle. also can't we just discuss this in a civilised way 😭 we're basically on the same side
I'm not saying there should be protests in the streets - just that folding immediately to a non-entity like Mike Johnson send all sorts of bad messages about the Dem's commitment to resist GOP ugliness.
I see your point but Dems have very little political capital and I think they should pick their battles wisely; the battle for Trans rights will be won or lost in the public discourse, the dems should focus on stuff they can actually prevent, like blocking Gaetz/RFK Jr.
I'm not saying they should man the barricades; they shouldn't just roll over, though. Call the policy segregationist, say that a chamber that included the likes of Gaetz and Hastert should protect vulnerable members from harassment. Do something other than roll over!