This is a great post on bug bounty reddit!
OP reported an IDOR, gets paid $2,000, and then realizes it never was IDOR. It's just a cached response...
OP reported an IDOR, gets paid $2,000, and then realizes it never was IDOR. It's just a cached response...
Jokes aside, that's not the end of the story!
A fellow hunter asks some clarifying questions. Browser cache? Server side cache? Or maybe even a service worker?
But no... OP explains that it's not exploitable, because an attacker cannot guess the random cache key parameter :(
Turns out, we can control the cache parameter, by forcing the victim to visit the link with our value!!
1. OP is capable to self-reflect and be humble
2. Commenters are knowledgable and they asked the right questions
3. And OP genuinely engaged with the responses