It’s weird how blister packaging was used for practically everything and now I rarely see it. Good that it’s gone tho, I swear that shit was dangerous to open.
PSO was available for A WEEK here in Australia before it was pulled from sales because they canceled the Broadband Adapter accessory.
I never saw this thing!
So you had to get this into your GameCube, and then 2 network cards into your pc. Run a crossover cable to connect the GameCube to the first card, and connect the other card to broadband. Then you could play Mario Kart online over Warp Pipe . It was worth it
Nowadays there's a mod for playing Double Dash online with the BBA only, no network cards or Warp Pipe involved. It allows Wii/Wii U/Dolphin crossplay too.
this made me realize that i have all of the hardware/software to play PSO on gamecube online and never have. i feel like i need to correct this ASAP thank you
Same. I bought the broadband adapter for Gamecube when it came out, because I'd missed out on the Dreamcast one and didn't want that to happen again. Then I never used it once.
I remember the annoyed look the GameStop clerk had on his face when I told him yes I definitely wanted the broadband adapter that they stocked near the ceiling for some reason.
You know, for the lols
I never saw this thing!
Only for the thing to never wanting to work :/
Gave it to my brother, along with my broadband adapter and my GameCube. Kinda regret that now haha