He was going off on people who complain about paywalls. And that people better subscribe to read a single article. I suggested that maybe news sites should make articles available for purchase, instead of having to make monthly subscriptions to dozens of sites to view a single article from each.
Then he made a comparison that supermarkets don't have to give away bread. I was going to say that this is like a supermarket demanding that you buy up their entire bakery section in order to get a single loaf.
I'd be perfectly fine paying 99 cents for a single article, and not have to sign up for dozens of subscriptions at $10 per site. A subscription I may never use again.
maybe if advertisers didn't make their ads fucking obnoxious or have javascripts that starts playing an annoying ass video ad that takes up 50% of a mobile device screen, i'd be willing to pay like a buck a month.
stop punishing people who just want to be informed, JFC
I was blocked before I hit SEND.
stop punishing people who just want to be informed, JFC