It's mainly because they have this Christian-inspired belief that human happiness is sinful so in their eyes all sex must be deliberate crimes and punishable by childbirth.
There are people who have twisted every single religion to excuse their deviant actions. Grouping people together is how the don won the election. There are good people from all walks of life. Being vigilant of every race & religion is more prudent.
And I don't mean fearful of others who have a different religion or race; but not fully trusting until you know the person.
Women & children are raped by "upstanding" white guys too.
I looked at the statistics once.
This comment about islam doesn't belong here but it's not wrong. All the major religions are part of what is wrong with the world. Especially the 3 Abrahamic ones, they only serve to divide, deceive, and abuse. We need to be rid of them, but that's a different topic
It really drives me nuts that they have a higher age limit for drinking, driving, joining the military & smoking weed then marriage or the twisted facts of sexual consent. Man up Republicans who are "supposed" to stand on family values.
Does that value only apply to your family and not the rest?
Oh no, that applies 2 their families the same way. They're abusers 2 their own wives & daughters. They enjoy the proximity 2 girls via church-like traditional religious abuse.
The men who agree 2 these abuses R themselves abusers.
I didn't hear about the child abuse cases that they were accused of. I'm sure there are many women who are either controlled by R men or even abused too. I may have missed the reports though.
Reminds me of the time when my young child asked me at the dinner table one night, “Mom, what’s an oxymoron?”
Me: “good republican.”
My husband mildly of objected to the totality of that example. He’s not objecting anymore.
I just had a conversation about telling children truths because shielding them in today's world will leave them unprepared.
If a child is curious about something giving them age appropriate info is empowerment
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
I live in a state where I had to go to the library and sign a document to allow my 15 year old daughter to read whatever she wants. But I live in absolute terror that she will be assaulted and impregnated.
Cuz freedom and protecting children? It makes no sense!
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS
Women & children are raped by "upstanding" white guys too.
I looked at the statistics once.
"Had sex"
Does that value only apply to your family and not the rest?
The men who agree 2 these abuses R themselves abusers.
Me: “good republican.”
My husband mildly of objected to the totality of that example. He’s not objecting anymore.
If a child is curious about something giving them age appropriate info is empowerment
Cuz freedom and protecting children? It makes no sense!
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS