Thank you Monica for amazingly putting history lessons to American people who unfortunately have very little understanding of what the sequence of events lead to Hitler’s rise and the horrible consequences that ensued. The way you have written it clearly ties it to our reality. US needs this lesson.
I remember learning about Nazi Germany and feeling like history was such a faraway place. That people just weren't like that anymore, that we'd learned to be collectively better, immune to whatever happened over there so long ago.
A Vanity Fair article in 1990 reported that first wife Ivana Trump told her attorney that he kept a book of Hitler speeches in a bedside cabinet. Trump said in 2023 that he’d never read Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” though his reference to immigrants “poisoning the blood” of the U.S. echoed the Fuhrer.
She stated it correctly. This number is a total number of lives lost during WWII. Stalin’s atrocities are horrific and unquestionable. He was an evil man indeed. Along with Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco, Stalin can be a good role model for our new leader in his ambitions to join the club.
Yes. I wish the parallels were not so obvious. I could never understand how the German people let it happen. Now I think I do. If we don’t learn from their mistakes, we will share their fate.
It's too bad you weren't able to post the entire doc in one post on BlueSky. It's lengthy but excellent! I wish BlueSky would change it's protocol of limiting posts to only 300 characters.
Suggest to all to read a great book written by Sinclair Lewis in 1934 after the rise of Hitler. It is titled incidentally “It can’t happen here”. Available on Amazon or a free download version on Gutenberg
I believed that a little too deeply.
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