Take the money from the 1% richest, give to the poor. Eveybody gets a house. There are enough houses in the world. If there aren't in a given place, build them. We can build a house in less than a week today.
A fucking ketamine addicted turd wants to see the gold. Musk made so much money since January that you could give 27 million people $7500 with the profit FELON MUSK made off of the election! I am so fucking pissed! 20 years I tried to tell people what an evil bastard he is. I finally have company.
Or wait for your Luigi.
Self confidence is difficult to build when hope is lost. ❤️
Here in the US, we have double that in a block.
#UBI for the win!
I'm a huge proponent of #UBI, hence the hashtag every time I say it.
It could save us all.