What are some y'alls favorite SNES and N64 games?
Trying to play more of those.
Trying to play more of those.
N64: wave race 64, diddy kong racing, sm64
- hagane
- megaman x
- final fantasy 6
- contra 3
battle toads (snes)
brain lord (snes, zelda copy)
dr robotniks mean bean machine (snes)
smash TV (snes)
banjo and kazooie is pretty solid for n64
- Super Mario World
- Metroid II Return of Samus
- Earthbound
- Shaq Fu (it’s guilty pleasure)
- Mega Man 7
- A Link to the Past
- Super Mario 64
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Banjo-Tooie
- Ocarina of Time
- Pokemon Stadium
- Super Smash Bros
Absolute perfection
Jungle/Desert/Urban Strike
UN Squadron
Wild Guns
I tried not to recommend the major series on the platform since I'm sure you'll get lots of those
-Zelda LttP
-Secret of Mana
-Final Fantasy 4/5/6
-Mega Man 7 & X
-Trails of Mana (the fan translation or the one in the Collection)
-Live A Live (the SNES version is fan translation only but the remake is also really good)
-Chrono Trigger
-Kirby Super Star
Chrono Trigger is definitely the next SNES RPG that I’m playing
Live A Live English patched seems really interesting too!!!
Super Metroid
Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Castlevania 4
Kirby Super Star
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Mario RPG
Mario 64
Kirby 64
Ocarina of Time
Banjo Kazooie
Super Smash Bros
Mario party 1-3
Paper Mario 64
Axelay, Space Megaforce, R-Type III: The Third Lightning, Earth Defense Force, Gradius III, Phalanx, Super R-Type, Strike Gunner STG
Can't forget my most recent favorite:
I know Gradius III and have played that one a bit
Dead serious tho, I love Phalanx. I even play it on Funny sometimes!
Haven’t beaten it in like, 15 years though and that was on emulator
Perhaps I should revisit it on actual hardware
For the N64 you can never go wrong with Donkey Kong 64 and Perfect Dark. Another that I feel people either really like or dislike (I'm on the like side) is Quest 64, but it's definitely worth a try!
I have not really played any N64 games besides Mario 64 though because I neither own an N64 nor could get any N64 emulators to work for me so unfortunately there's no recommendations there
N64: Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, Star Fox, Turok (1&2)
StarFox 64 is a must play as well!
Wild Arms has only ever been on PlayStation consoles because the publisher for the first game was Sony.
Sorry I hate being that guy but I'm pretty certain it wasn't on SNES
Same with DKC1
Super Ghouls and Ghosts will def consider
Bomberman Hero is also peak
i really love final fantasy v, pocky and rocky, pop'n twinbee, trials of mana (as it's now called), and parodius
i've never played live a live or tales of phantasia but you should probably check those out too
Kirby's Dream Course on the SNES is a cute golf game that's a great time with a buddy.
N64: Banjo Kazooie
Fire Emblem Thracia 776(same as Gunmans Proof)
The Firemen
Secret of Mana
N64- Resident Evil 2
Mischief Makers
Hybrid Heaven
Starfox 64(Lylat Wars)
Pokemon Puzzle League
Others include Lufia 2: rise of the Sinestrals and Breath of Fire 2 on SNES.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter on N64 was always great.
play WWF No Mercy if you got friends
Star Fox + SF2
Super Mario RPG
Super Metroid
Star Fox 64
F-Zero X
Paper Mario
These are the ones I’ve mostly been playing (F-Zero and Star Fox games are a must)
Hard as fuck game but fun 😭 Haven’t beaten it though