Basically, level 4 response to trolls is to give them the benefit of the doubt of being sincere and being engaging in good faith. They never are, but what starts as engaging in bad faith can, if they are actually getting these unexpected responses, potentially get them to engage in good faith.
This actually happened once when we realized that the bigot in question was actually a closested self hating trans person
I immediately tagged her in and she worked her magic
I think she got through to the guy because the troll account was self terminated a few days later
A lot of trolls, bullies, and bigots are the way they are due to generational trauma passed onto them and them seeking an outlet. Many neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ people attack their own if raised with it. Empathy breaks it. <3
So I prefer to talk to the trolls as humans because I know they aren't expecting me to.
i still report them but it's an interesting time!