Young parents vote centre-left anyway, the main parties are battling it out over the racist pensioner vote.
You'd almost expect Reform to pick it up, given the link between high childcare costs, low birth rate, and high projections for future migration.
But I'm not sure their voters join the dots.
You'd almost expect Reform to pick it up, given the link between high childcare costs, low birth rate, and high projections for future migration.
But I'm not sure their voters join the dots.
Reform voters: fffff...
- Cost
- Bats
- Quality Infrastructure
Unfortunately we have prioritised Quality (rightly) and Bats (subjective)
*and/or damaging to flora/fauna
If you support HS2 for environmentally related reasons, it's reasonable to have a sane amount of wildlife mitigation. I don't know enough about the infamous bat tunnel to say if that, specifically, was rational.